The Boat Street Kitchen & Bistro
Successor to the Cafe
Dear Lovely Boat Streeters,
It is a beautiful autumn day, but I find myself wishing for rain as I am the bearer of solemn news. With heavy hearts we announce that after 25 years the Boat Street will be closing its doors permanently on November 15th, 2020. This was not a thoughtless or hasty decision for our team to make and it pains us deeply to close the place that we’ve considered our home for so long.
We will be open for the next month to give everyone time to come in to say goodbye to the place that has been important to so many. The menus over the next few weeks will feature comforting favorites that are quintessentially Boat Street. We are hoping this next month will be a celebration of all the lives that have passed through our doors, all the events we were blessed to be part of, and all the crave-worthy meals!
Over the last eight months, Boat Street Kitchen, and indeed the entire restaurant community, has faced one challenge after another during these unpredictable and scary times. The financial strain of the necessary “stay home - stay safe” order, coupled with the general turmoil of 2020 events has forced our hand. Our Tiny Team has been valiant in keeping smiles on our faces in spite of everything and we’ve all been working incredibly hard in an effort to provide a safe and comfortable experience for you week after week. However, that has meant that everyone is working over capacity and it is simply no longer sustainable.
To those that have stayed by our side through all of this, we are forever grateful for your support and patience. Without you, this would have happened long ago. We hope you will come in to raise a glass (and a fork) with us one last time.
As always, avec amour,
Chef Jenn and Your Tiny Boat Street Team - Susan Kaplan, Karen, Eric, and Jorge
Please refer back to our website for information on the sale of the restaurant and updates about future projects. We're thinking about a virtual Holiday Cooking Class as well as posting some recipes or maybe even putting together a cookbook..All news items will be posted to Instagram when they come up or signup for our newsletter here.

Hi, This is my page.. a place all my own to share my thoughts about the closing of Boat Street, and both its future and my future, as well as a place to keep in touch with all of you. Please be patient as I will be very busy until after we are closed. Yours, Chef Jenn